On my way to interview the local-boy-made-good, my taxi got into an accident, making me horrendously late for our appointment (it was Friday the 13th, after all). But JJ didn’t throw a diva fit.
In fact, he was nothing but concerned. “Oh, my goodness, I heard what happened,” he said after greeting me with a warm handshake. “Are you alright? You better have a drink.”
So, yes, he really is nice. Either that or someone should give the man an Oscar.
JJ will be back in town this weekend for his first concert here in three years. It also kick-starts his world tour.
Needless to say, he’s really excited about it. And it’s not just because he turns 28 this weekend, too.
“To have a show here... it’s my home,” he explained. “I was born here, I grew up here. Having a show in Singapore... I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels like family. It’s a warm thing for me.
“I hope that the fans feel the same way. It’s something that you cannot buy or create through words or anything. It’s just the knowing that I’m in Singapore — that beats everything else.”
Happy Friday the 13th! Are you a superstitious person?
I actually read up on this. It’s a very special year to have two Friday the 13ths one after another. I also found out that the most number of times you can have Friday the 13th in one year is three times. And it’s not a bad thing, although people associate the day with bad things because of what happened in the 12th century, when Black Friday came about because of the Crusades, where the king ordered the killing of the crusaders. That’s the history of it. I have no idea why I know all this!
So, you’re not put off by it?
For me, I’d put it to good use. If people say it’s not good to start a business on Friday the 13th, I’d do it just to challenge it because I don’t believe in superstition and I want to prove it wrong. A lot in life is what you make of it, not what other people make of it. You don’t have to follow the rules all the time.
So, what is the most important lesson that you have learned?
One thing is that I really have to watch what I say or do. Because the fans listen and they take your word for it. It’s important that I say the right things or do the right things but, of course, in a true way, as well. I want to show the fans who I am but I don’t want them to get the wrong idea, too. It’s like Spider-man — with power comes great responsibility.
Erm... Power?
Okay, it’s not power, but influence — the influence over my fans or people who listen to my music. I have to take that seriously because they take me seriously. As an artiste, whatever you do is amplified many times. I’m still not fully used to the limelight and attention today.
But, anyway, you shouldn’t get used to things. Otherwise you take it for granted. Being able to adapt and making the right use of it in a positive way is more important. That’s one thing about life I’ve learned.
Is there a new album coming up?
It’s on its way. I’m planning to release it in July or August. But I only have three songs. And I’m supposed to have a whole album’s worth by April. Which is almost impossible. So maybe half an album. That’s why I’m going to take a break in April just to write.
How long does it take you to write?
I write pretty fast. But sometimes I get writer’s block and I can’t do anything. That’s why I try to have a good balance. That’s why I’ll try to take a little break if time allows after this concert. It’s important for the next album.
You’re a couple of years shy, but what’s the one thing you would like to have accomplished by the time you reach 30?
I’d like to be able to regularly perform everywhere, not just Asia. I’d like my music to reach out to an international audience. I did my first concert in Las Vegas last December, so I hope to do that more often. Yeah, travelling and performing. That’s really what makes me happy.
JJ Lin performs on Saturday, 8pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Tickets at S$78 to S$148, available from Sistic.

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